WildRose Medicinal serves as a bridge to the medicine of the Wild - cultivating resilience, reciprocity, reconciliation, and re-membering, with the Plants, Earth, and Elements.  WildRose Medicinal organizes around building relationships with plants as a means of healing - orienting toward reciprocity, animist ethics, and stewardship. We hope to grow knowledge, sow resourcefulness, and proliferate beauty.

Rose Rothfeder (she/her), founder of WildRose Medicinal, weaves her work in community herbalism, animism, movement, storytelling, divination, ritual, ancestral healing & reconciliation, regenerative culture, re-wilding, and more. She has received over 900 hours of herbalism training - at the California School of Herbal Studies, and through frieda kipar bay / wovenroot. Rose has experience volunteering with Bay Herbalism (a free, mobile herbal medicine clinic) formulating in an herbal apothecary, working with clients one-on-one and in groups, and teaching classes and workshops - both in person and online. She has cultivated many years of learning and experience in youth mentorship, education, rites of passage, performing arts, dance, movement, yoga, mindfulness practice, and meditation. Rose holds a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology (summa cum laude) from the University of California Santa Barbara, and is a certified Yoga instructor. She will always be learning through her practice as a community herbalist, and through her own relationships with the plants.


Greetings, I’m Rose.  I am a Jewitch - I come from a lineage of Ashkenazi Jews from Poland and Pagan & witches of the Celtic Isles / France. My people eventually came to Turtle Island (North America) through waves of settler colonialism. I was grown at the feet of the Wasatch Mountains (aka Salt Lake City, Utah), ancestral lands of the Ute, Shoshone, Paiute, and Goshute Nations, Currently I am making home among the cedar, fir, pine, and oak trees in Eugene, Oregon - lands of the Kalapuya peoples.

This compilation of services is an offering of reciprocity from my heart and bones in response to the rich and abundant healing I have received and continue to receive from the plant world. It is a weaving together of the gifts I am gleaning from my lived experience, healing journey, life myth, and ancestors.

As a young person, I often struggled with disorientation and confusion. For a long time I experienced a looming kind of incoherence - like my senses and instincts were not fully intact. I had chronic ear infections as an infant and child. I had recurring dreams where my mouth was full of a thick, sticky gum and I couldn’t speak; or my eyes were glued shut and I couldn’t see; or I was trying to run and my legs would buckle underneath me. I grew up in a loving family with a lot of privilege. All my basic needs were met, and then some. What could possibly be “wrong” in my life? I went along with the status quo, grasping for a sense of wholeness and purpose in a world of cultural vacancy, instant gratification, consumerism, artificial food, superficial beauty. I learned to be nice, pretty, never to be angry, to seek validation from everyone else, to contort myself into some kind of pleasing shape - purely ornamental. I was desperate for approval to prop up a brittle version of self worth. Underneath it all was a boiling kind of self hatred, and a seething kind of shame; not entirely mine, and to which I was mostly numb. I was impatient, apathetic, disengaged from life-

my roots had lost their way to Water; I had forgotten my tether to the Wild.

  • Through some combination of unseen guidance, privilege, and wisdom of soul, a small, seemingly feeble rootlet maintained a foot in the wellspring. A tenacious bud sprouted - not enough resource to grow to full bloom, but enough grit to stay alive. I had many a withered stalk, sorely in need of pruning, but without the knowledge or tools to sever myself from that which was dead. Nevertheless, medicine seeped through my cracks. I would get moments of sudden and fleeting clarity: “I need to swim in the ocean; I need to stretch my body and make more space; I’m going to sing because it brings me more alive;” Wisdom came through the cracks too - I received teachings from ancient and contemporary texts, and many gracious and generous teachers. Every barefoot step, every cold ocean plunge, every pause in awe at sunset, fed and fortified my rootlet’s hold on water, and anchored my tether to the Wild.

    And the overculture* persisted. (*overculture: a term coined by Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estes that describes the dominant culture in society, whose mores, traditions and customs are “normally” followed in public. In her words: “my made-up word, overculture is meant to define one aspect of the dominant and often power-mad culture we try to navigate without being crushed or over-assimilated into, thereby losing all our unusual talents, our never before seen wonders we are bringing to life…”) I struggled to find my way inside the life denying expectations of society - productivity and urgency, efficiency and success. It was not my nature to move in a linear, “logical” way. It has never been. And it has taken some time to put my ear to the ground and trust the soft, subtle voices of soul, earth, and the unseen. And to believe them, when the overcultural narrative is so loud. It continues to be an ongoing practice - disentangling all the systemic norms that I had accepted as true; deconstructing the whole facade to expose a shaky foundation; unraveling; reorienting to Nature, unlearning, fumbling, learning again how to be human from a place of integral, healthy roots. It continues to be a non-linear spiraling journey of re-membering - a process of coming back to wholeness.

    So, I am learning how to live in my Nature.

    I am weaving and re-weaving the wisdom traditions in my blood, breathing life into the coals, stoking the fire at the hearth and the heart of my precious life. I am the living face of my ancestors, the blossom on an ancient tree that has been growing long before I got here.

    I am re-membering the plants, and they are re-membering me.

    I have traversed cities, mountains, forests, deserts, oceans, rolling hills - guided by the quiet yet persistent whispering from my ancestors (especially the grandmothers). I found my way to the Plants - to learn from them, through them, and with them at the California School of Herbal Studies. Re-membering the plants has made me a more full and whole human. It has brought me into deep reckoning and relationship with myself, the Earth, the elements, my ancestors, and has essentially rippled into all of my relating - with humans and more than humans.

    I am deeply grateful to my many teachers: Jen Bredesen, Karen Aguiar, Bryan Bowen, frieda kipar bay, Camille Freeman, Tiffany Wood, Rosangela Silvestre, Vera Pasos, Rachel Ruach, Kari Stetler, Yael Raff, and too many others to name - your efforts have fed my growth. And of course, I am infinitely grateful to the Plants - the wisest of them all.

    I am an eternal student of life, a movement artist, lover of the Wild, and devotee of Water. I am in service to healing, truth, reconciliation, grace, and re-membering.  

    My deepest intention is that the resources here foster healing in some way.

 Inspirations, Influences, & Teachers:

Let’s be in touch!
