Re-membering our Nature

Integrating plants into our everyday rhythms fosters a collaborative relationship, in which we both receive and reciprocate their medicine.

WildRose Medicinal was created to bridge the perceived gap between humans and their Nature - both the nature surrounding us, and blooming inside of us.

One-on-One support

Consultations with trained community herbalist Rose Rothfeder support your unique conditions to cultivate thriving.

Classes & Workshops

For those curious to:

  • greet their plant kin by name

  • make their own medicine

  • incorporate “weeds” outside their door into food & medicine

  • integrate plants & ritual to facilitate healing

  • and more!

Let’s learn together, with the Plants

 "Rose carries an immense wealth of knowledge about the inter-workings of plants, herbs, medicine, the body, ancestry, movement, ritual, spiritual and physical life. Everyone who works with her is touched by her deep compassion, her genuine care about whatever issue they are experiencing, her ability to track and name seen and unseen processes and her abundant sense of humor. Rose is the epitome of a medicine woman for our times."

- Elena Pinsky, artist and facilitator


Re-membering our Roots: a journey with plants and ancestors

“Re-membering, thus, is a kind of antidote for forgetting, and inherently part of the process of ancestral lineage repair. And it is no easy feat…I understand this to be the opposite of dis-membering - a stitching things together again, a coming back to wholeness…”

you already know it,

…even if you don’t know it…

even if you don’t remember it,

even if it has been long forgotten…

there is Wildness in your blood.

…because your Old ones foraged leaves,

boiled roots,

ground seeds…

…because plants are the original medicine;

they are the more intelligent life forms;

they are the healers.

Knowing the plants is a human birthright.

may we Re-member the plants,

and be Re-membered by the plants.

 Stay in Touch!

opt in to news and teachings from the plants.